

Survey on Access to Funded Mental Health Care

The Willow Centre Child and Family Foundation frequently engages potential funders. Demonstrating measurable demand for subsidized mental health care enhances the effectiveness of data-driven models, which in turn appeals to funders. While the survey below is based on data, its primary purpose is to provide evidence of demand rather than a precise quantification.  Please answer to the best of your abilities.  

How many people need help?

Could you please provide rough estimates of how many individuals in each of the following age ranges you’ve encountered professionally over the past five years who needed but were unable to access mental health services? Reasons may include financial barriers, waitlists, or other factors.

What do they need help with?

Please use the sliders below to indicate the frequency each condition occurs in those who could benefit from subsidized mental health care, with ‘Never’ on the left and ‘Always’ on the right.


How many people need help?

How many people do you know personally, including yourself, in each age group who might need subsidized mental health care?

Contact Info

All of the following fields are optional, but  providing us with contact info is helpful.

It  allows us to follow up and offer more general demographic info to potential funders.  Personal information will be kept in strict confidence, and third parties will only see anonymized aggregate statistical data.